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Razvan Mazilu s-a nascut la 21 iunie 1974, la Bucuresti.
De la varsta de 3 ani incepe sa studieze dansul.
Chiar daca la inceput totul pare o joaca, traseul ulterior al studiilor isi urmeaza cursul firesc: este absolvent al Liceului de Coregrafie “Floria Capsali” din Bucuresti (1992) si al Universitatii de Arta Teatrala si Cinematografica “I. L. Caragiale”, sectia Creatie Coregrafica (1996). In paralel urmeaza stagii si work-shop-uri sustinute de coregrafii Josef Nadj, Christine Bastin, Dominique Bagouet, Gigi Caciuleanu, Rusell Maliphant.

Inca din anii liceului devine solist al Companiei de Dans Contemporan “Contemp”, mai intai la Opera Nationala Romana, apoi la Teatrul Evreiesc de Stat.

Din 1993 este stapanul propriului destin artistic, devenind free-lancer si isi continua cariera in dubla ipostaza: de interpret si creator.
Debutul lui Razvan Mazilu in coregrafie este marcat spectaculos de cateva premii obtinute la festivalurile de dans: Premiul special al juriului pentru debut coregrafic la Festivalul International “Eurodans” de la Iasi, Premiul I la Festivalul National “Mihail Jora”, Bucuresti si Premiul pentru debut coregrafic de exceptie acordat de Uniunea Compozitorilor, Coregrafilor si Criticilor Muzicali din Romania.

In 1994, piesele de debut devin filme de televiziune in recitalul “Transfigurari” produs de TVR1, principalul post de televiziune din Romania.

In 1995, inca student, Razvan monteaza la Teatrul National Bucuresti primul spectacol semnat integral: “Dama cu camelii” dupa Al. Dumas - fiul.
Acest spectacol de teatru si dans, considerat de critica de specialitate drept unul de rascruce, marcheaza si intalnirea cu actrita Maia Morgenstern, de care il va lega o stransa colaborare profesionala si o prietenie pe masura. Tot in 1995, regizorul Andrei Serban il invita - in calitate de coregraf - in echipa cu care monteaza “Oedipe” de George Enescu la Opera Nationala Romana.

Razvan Mazilu isi continua investigatiile in zona teatru - dans: “Vorbeste-mi ca ploaia si lasa-ma sa te ascult”, dupa Tennessee Williams, este un nou spectacol si o prima intalnire cu Teatrul Odeon din Bucuresti (1996).

In acelasi an, dornic de noi experiente profesionale, Razvan participa la Concursul International de Balet de la Paris, Franta, unde Doamna Bernadette Chirac ii inmaneaza Premiul de Interpretare al Operei Nationale din Paris intr-o ceremonie la Palatul Elysee.

In 1997, Razvan Mazilu este protagonistul primului one-man-show al unui dansator roman, “Jocul de-a Shakespeare”, in coregrafia lui Ioan Tugearu, prezentat pe scena Teatrului National din Bucuresti. Spectacolul este premiat si jucat pe numeroase scene din tara si din Europa, prezenta cea mai importanta fiind in deschiderea Festivalului International One-Man-Show de la Moscova, Rusia.

Din 1998 incepe o colaborare indelungata cu Opera National Romana in calitate de invitat in spectacolele “Anna Karenina” (1998), “Stampe japoneze” (2000), “Rosu si negru” (2001) unde interpreteaza rolul principal, Julien Sorel.

O inedita provocare este colaborarea cu Opera Romana din Timisoara care, in 1999 il invita sa monteze o noua versiune moderna a baletului “Coppelia” de Leo Delibes. In acelasi an este finalist la Concursul International de Balet de la Nagoya, Japonia.

Un an mai tarziu, Razvan Mazilu se reintalneste cu Teatrul Odeon, in calitate de consilier artistic - coregraf. Aici, alaturi de o echipa remarcabila de directori (Alexandru Dabija, Dorina Lazar) si actori, Razvan Mazilu propune o serie de proiecte ce se bucura de un mare succes.
Astfel, in 2001 semneaza un nou spectacol de teatru si dans “Ingerul albastru”, dramatizare proprie dupa romanul “Profesorul Unrat” de Heinrich Mann, apoi lanseaza “Dans la Odeon”, program de promovare a dansului contemporan romanesc. In cadrul acestor productii, tinerii coregrafi Claudia Martins si Rafael Carrico imagineaza pentru personalitatea dansatorului Razvan Mazilu “Boler. Regele pierdut” pe celebra partitura a lui Ravel.

In 2003-2004 revine ca invitat pe scena Operei bucurestene pentru spectacolele “Casa Bernardei Alba”, “Visul unei nopti de vara”, “Mefistofele”.

In 2004, la Odeon, vede lumina rampei spectacolul “Portretul lui Dorian Gray” de Oscar Wilde in care Razvan - interpret al rolului titular si realizator al coregrafiei - apare sub directia de scena a lui Dragos Galgotiu, unul dintre cei mai importanti regizori romani.

In luna ianuarie 2004 primeste, din partea Presedintelui Romaniei, Ion Iliescu, medalia Ordinul Cultural in grad de Cavaler pentru “intreaga activitate si pentru daruirea si talentul interpretativ pus in slujba artei scenice”.

Stagiunea 2004-2005 este deosebit de fasta, cu experiente profesionale de exceptie: Teatrul DILOS din Atena, condus de Dimitra Hatoupi - una dintre cele mai importante actrite din Grecia - il invita pe Razvan Mazilu sa monteze musicalul Marlene de Pam Gems.

Stagiunea 2005-2006 ii aduce lui Razvan Mazilu noi provocari, care ii consolideaza popularitatea si statutul de artist complet. Stagiunea marcheaza revenirea pe scena Operei Nationale Bucuresti, cu “Simfonia Fantastica”, un spectacol de teatru coregrafic semnat de Gigi Caciuleanu, pe celebra partitura a lui Hector Berlioz. In acelasi timp, la Teatrul Odeon, aventura dansului continua cu un spectacol inedit, in care tangoul argentinian si dansul contemporan isi imprumuta unul altuia mijloacele de expresie. “Un Tango más” este un spectacol de autor pentru Razvan Mazilu, secondat de regizorul Alexandru Dabija.
Fidel convingerii sale ca un artist trebuie sa fie mereu altul, Razvan Mazilu abordeaza in aceasta stagiune si un gen de cu totul alta factura: cabaretul. Ca protagonist in one-man-show-ul “Sell Me!”, Razvan Mazilu danseaza in spatiul neconventional al unui club underground.

Stagiunea 2006-2007 a marcat o revenire la clasici, in registru contemporan - prin ineditul spectacol de dans BLOCK BACH, o saga urbana exclusiv pe muzica sacra de Bach. Alaturi de Razvan Mazilu, artistul israelian Amir Kolben a fost invitat sa participe la realizarea coregrafiei.
Tot in aceasta stagiune, Razvan Mazilu a lansat proiectul international de responsabilitate sociala Dance Energy, in sprjinul liceelor de coregrafie din Romania. In primul spectacol al acestui proiect, Razvan Mazilu si invitatii sai - dansatorii Talia Paz, Rafael Carrico, Claudia Martins, Adrian Stoian, Monica Petrica, actrita Maia Morgenstern, soprana Felicia Filip, Mihaela Radulescu si muzicienii Johnny Raducanu si A.G. Weinberger - au evoluat pe scena Operei Romane din Bucuresti, intr-un show unic, in beneficiul liceului de coregrafie Floria Capsali in Bucuresti.

De-a lungul carierei, Razvan Mazilu colaboreaza cu coregrafii Amir Kolben, Marc Bogaerts, Claudia Martins si Rafael Carrico, Gigi Caciuleanu, Ioan Tugearu, Florin Fieroiu, Alexa Mezincescu, Miriam Raducanu, Adina Cezar, Liliana Iorgulescu, cu regizorii de teatru si opera Alexandru Dabija, Dragos Galgotiu, Andrei Serban, Catalina Buzoianu, Cornel Todea, Petrika Ionescu, Ana Margineanu, Anda Tabacaru - Hogea, cu scenografii Doina Levintza, Adriana Grand, Andrei Both, Dragos Buhagiar, Irina Solomon.

Turnee in: Japonia, Germania, Italia, Franta, Danemarca, Grecia, Elvetia, Israel, Rusia, Egipt, Ungaria, Slovacia.


Razvan Mazilu was born on the 21st of June 1974, in Bucharest. He began to study dance at the age of three. Even though, at the beginning everything seemed just a game, the subsequent trace of the studies follows its natural course: he graduates the “Floria Capsali” Ballet Highschool from Bucharest (1992) and the “I.L. Caragiale” University of Theatrical and Cinematographic Art, the choreographic creation section (1996). At the same time he attends preparing courses and work-shops taught by the choreographers Josef Nadj, Christine Bastin, Dominique Bagouet, Gigi Caciuleanu, Rusell Maliphant.

As early as the years of highschool, he became a soloist of the “Contemp” Contemporary Dance Company, first at the National Romanian Opera House, then at the Jewish State Theatre. Since 1993 he has been the master of his artistic destiny, becoming a free-lancer, and he continued his career in a double hypostasis: that of an interpret and that of a creator.

Razvan Mazilu’s debut in choreography is marked in a spectacular manner by a few prizes obtained at the the national dance festivals: The Special Prize of the the jury for choreographic debut at the “Eurodans” International Festival from Iasi, The First Prize at the “Mihail Jora” National Festival, Bucharest and The Prize for exceptional choreographic debut awarded by the Union of the Composers, Choreographers and Musical Critics of Romania.

In 1994, his debut plays became television productions in the “Transfiguring” recital produced by TVR1, Romania’s main television channel.

In 1995, while still being a student, Razvan staged at the National Theatre of Bucharest the first play fully belonging to him: “The Lady of the Camelias” after Alexander Dumas - the son. This production of theatre and dance, considered by the specialized critics a crossroads one, also meant the acquaintance with the actress Maia Morgenstern, whom he will be attached to because of a tight professional collaboration and because of a friendship as valuable as it could be. Further on, in 1995, the director Andrei Serban invited him - as a choreographer - in the team which was staging “Oedipe” by George Enescu at the National Romanian Opera House.

Razvan Mazilu continued his quests in the area of theatre - dance:”Talk to Me like the Rain and Let Me Listen to You” after Tennessee Williams, it was a new show and a first contact with the Odeon Theatre of Bucharest (1996).
In the same year, eager for new professional experiences, Razvan took part in the International Ballet Contest from Paris, France, where Mississ Bernadette Chirac handed him The Prize for Interpretation of the National Opera House of Paris in a ceremony kept at the Elisée Palace.

In 1997, Razvan Mazilu was the protagonist of the first one-man-show of a Romanian dancer, “Playing Shakespeare”, in the choreography of Ioan Tugearu, played on the stage of the National Theatre of Bucharest. The show was a prize-winning one and it was played on numerous stages in the country and in Europe, the most important performance being the one which took place in the opening of the One-Man-Show International Festival from Moscow, Russia.

Since 1998 he has begun a long lasting collaboration with the National Romanian Opera House as a guest-star in “Anna Karenina” (1998), “Japanese Engravings” (2000), “Red and Black” (2001) where he had the main part, that of Julien Sorel.

An innovative challenge it the collaboration with the Romanian Opera House of Timisoara, which, in 1999 invited him to stage a new modern version of the ballet “Coppelia” by Leo Delibes. In the same year he was a finalist in the International Ballet Contest from Nagoya, Japan.

One year later, Razvan Mazilu met again with the Odeon Theatre, as an artistic counselor-choreographer. Here, together with a remarkable directors team (Alexandru Dabija, Dorina Lazar) and actors, Razvan Mazilu suggested a series of projects which met a great success.
In this way, in 2001 he directed a new show of theatre and dance, “The Blue Angel”, a personal version of the novel “Professor Unrat” by Heinrich Mann, and then he launched “Dance at Odeon”, a programme meant to promote the Romanian contemporary dance. As part of these productions, the young choreographers Claudia Martins and Rafael Carrico created “Bolero. I Lost the King”, played on Ravel’s famous music, especially for the personality of the dancer Razvan Mazilu.

Between 2003-2004 he came back as a guest star on the stage of the Opera of Bucharest for "The House of Bernarda Alba", "A Midsummer Night's Dream", "Mephistopheles".

In 2004, at the Odeon, it is staged the play “The Picture of Dorian Gray” by Oscar Wilde, in which Razvan Mazilu - performer of the main part and choreographer - appears in the stage direction of Dragos Galgotiu, one of the most important Romanian directors.

In January 2004 he was awarded by the president of Romania, Ion Iliescu, the medal The Cultural Order in rank of a Knight “for the whole activity and for the abnegation and the performing talent used in the service of the scenic art”. The theatrical season 2004-2005 is extremely fortunate, including exceptional professional experiences: the DILOS Theatre of Athens, managed by Dimitra Hatoupi - one of the most important actresses of Greece - invited Razvan Mazilu to direct the musical Marlene by Pam Gems.

The season 2005-2006 brings Razvan Mazilu new challenges, building on his popularity and his status as a complex artist. He achieves a spectacular come-back on the stage of the National Opera House in Bucharest, with “Simphonie Fantastique”, a show of choreographic theatre signed by Gigi Caciuleanu, on the famous score of Hector Berlioz. At the same time, at the Odeon Theatre, the dance adventure goes on with an innovative show mixing contemporary ballet and Argentine tango. “Un Tango màs” is a show signed by Razvan Mazilu, supported by director Alexandru Dabija.
Faithful to his belief that an artist needs to constantly surprise audience and reinvent himself, Razvan Mazilu also tackles a totally different genre: cabaret. As the protagonist of the one-man-show “Sell Me!”, Razvan Mazilu dances in the unconventional space of an underground club.

The season 2006 - 2007 saw another fresh and contemporary approach to classics - the highly praised dance show BLOCK BACH, an urban saga exclusively on sacred music by Bach. Along with Razvan Mazilu, the reputed Israeli artist Amir Kolben was invited to complete the choreography of the show.
Another novelty of the season was the launch of DANCE ENERGY, international social responsibility project, initiated and coordinated by Razvan Mazilu, in the benefit of the choreography scools in Romania. The first show of this project, 'Razvan Mazilu and Friends', gathered on the stage of the National Opera House in Bucharest major international and Romanian artists including dancers Talia Paz, Rafael Carrico, Claudia Martins, Adrian Stoian, Monica Petrica, actress Maia Morgenstern, soprano Felicia Filip, TV star Mihaela Radulescu and musicians Johnny Raducanu and A.G. Weinberger. The funds raised through this extraordinary charity show have been donated to the 'Floria Capsali' choreography high-school in Bucharest.

Through all his career, Razvan Mazilu has had collaborations with the choreographers Amir Kolben, Marc Bogaerts, Claudia Martins and Rafael Carrico, Gigi Caciuleanu, Ioan Tugearu, Florin Fieroiu, Alexa Mezincescu, Miriam Raducanu, Adina Cezar, Liliana Iorgulescu, with the theatre and opera directors Alexandru Dabija, Dragos Galgotiu, Andrei Serban, Catalina Buzoianu, Cornel Todea, Petrika Ionescu, Ana Margineanu, Anda Tabacaru-Hogea, with the set-designers Doina Levintza, Adriana Grad, Andrei Both, Dragos Buhagiar, Irina Solomon.

Tours in: Japan, Germany, Italy, France, Denmark, Greece, Switzerland, Israel, Russia, Egypt, Hungary, Slovakia.

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